There is no greater effort we can give ourselves than seeking God for direction and power. Prayer is often overlooked for strategic planning and problem-solving discussions when prayer is precisely what we need most. Often, pastors are pressed on every side for leadership and decision-making and can neglect corporate prayer as a means of God’s power being released.
Converge Great Lakes schedules one day every year where we challenge our pastors to disconnect from their normal pressures and schedule so we can gather together and pray for movement health. Would you set one day aside for this? Gathering with other like minded leaders to seek God’s will for our churches, for our movement, and for the health of the church overall.
We have identified 7 locations so you don’t have to massively rearrange your calendar. There should be a location near you so please plan on joining us at one of these 7 locations:
Shawano - Hope Community Church
Milwaukee - Rise MKE Church
Janesville- Bethel Church
Medford- First Baptist Church
Baldwin - The Village Church
Iron River -Grace Baptist Church
Ishpeming – CrossBridge Church