Converge Great Lakes exists to start and strengthen churches together regionally and globally. Every word in our mission statement matters.
Start: we believe that one of the most effective ways to reach this next generation with the gospel of Jesus is to start healthy new reproductive churches. We are focused on Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan as our primary area of focus. Our District within Converge is called Converge Great Lakes.
Strengthen: we believe that a pastor pursuing a God honoring vision in coordination with a Board that is in collaboration with the Lead Pastor exercising oversight and support is a good thing. Humility is a mark of maturity and everyone one of us needs to be under authority both spiritually and relationally. We have a variety of resources from Pastor education, church health assessment, strategic coaching, to Board training to help any congregation of any size grown into full maturity.
Together: we believe that the local church should be self governing and we believe that we can accomplish more together than we can apart. We encourage all of our Pastors to gather together in regional gatherings call LEAD Teams to encourage one another, pray for one another, and plant churches together. We are truly better together.
Regionally: Every church needs to be reproducing disciples, leaders, and churches. If a church is healthy, it will reproduce disciples through evangelism and leaders through intentional development and discipleship. And, every church should be on mission to reproduce new congregations in your surrounding area that does not have adequate gospel witness.
Globally: The Great Commission is the marching orders for any and every church. We not only are to reach our region but also the world in whatever places God opens doors. Converge Great Lakes aims to create partnerships and opportunities for churches to expand and deepen their commitment to the Great commission.