International Ministries: Part 1

The Send Arm of Converge

You have probably seen it many times - the three focuses of Converge:  Start. Strengthen. Send.  Most people understand that “Send” refers to sending people to other cultures, countries and locations to spread the gospel.  However, many may not really know how the Send arm of Converge functions and what the vision is.    

For the next three months we will be doing a three part series on Converge International Ministries, which is the Send component of our ministry.

  • This month we will look at how International Ministries (IM) is organized.

  • Next month, we will take a close look at the vision statement of International Ministries.

  • Finally, we will explore how International Ministries operates by looking at 7 things International Ministries does not do.

Now, it might sound boring to look at how IM is organized, but looking at the structure will provide you with a better understanding of what your church is a part of when you participate in Converge International Ministries, as well as highlighting some of the strengths of how International Ministries operates.

At the heart of International Ministries is, of course, the missions activities. Most of us are familiar with missionaries (often referred to as “global workers” for security reasons) leaving what is familiar and answering a call to bring the Gospel to the unreached. To be more effective in our outreach efforts, Converge IM has grouped our missionaries into “initiatives”, which are team-based, strategic, coordinated efforts to reach a certain area or people group. For example, the Metro SenWest Initiative in Senegal is made of 2 couple and 1 individual that serve together as a team to bring the gospel to this Muslim-majority nation. The different missionaries may serve in different areas or work on different projects to impact different groups of people, but they are united together as an Initiative team. To help communicate with and resource the workers in the various Initiatives, these are grouped into Global Regions which fall along continental boundaries. The theme and purpose behind these structures is that we are “better together”, even on the missions field as we work to reach the least-reached around the world.

However, the “better together” philosophy isn’t just for those working “out there” on the mission field; it is also reflected in the support that these Global Workers receive from International Ministries as their sending organization.    This support comes from four areas:

US Engagement Team: This team works with local churches to help them engage more effectively in reaching the nations.  The US Engagement Team helps churches to become more strategic, thoughtful, and effective in their missions activities.  The US Engagement Team does this by providing resources, encouragement, consultation and coaching for churches.

Mobilization Team: The Mobilization Team works with those who feel God may be calling them to missions to be fully prepared for the task.  This is accomplished through in-depth assessments, coaching, training and guidance.  The Mobilization Team is very thorough in making sure that every Global Worker is truly called and prepared for the work God is calling them to.

Member Care: Once Global Workers are on the field, the Member Care team is there as a resource when dealing with the realities and challenges of life and missions work.  The Member Care team can arrange counseling, answer questions, provide encouragement and just be a helpful contact back home when needed.

Partnership Teams: Many initiatives also have a corresponding support team in the US.  This is a group of people from multiple churches who believe in the work of the initiative and who assist however they can from the US.  The team may help develop strategy, gather resources, coordinate prayer, assist with communication, recruit workers or provide other means of support.   These teams are a vital part of the ministry happening among other people groups or cultures.

As you can see, International Ministries is well-equipped to be able to effectively support the missions activities of Converge.  Because of these teams and structure, we are well positioned to work toward the vision statement of International Ministries: “We are asking God for a gospel movement among every least reached people group -- in our generation”.  And this will be the focus of our article next month!

If you have any questions about International Ministries, the Initiatives or supporting teams, please contact Dave Hoffman.



International Ministries: Part 2


Church Planter Skill #9: Utilizing the Giftedness of Others