February 2023

A Word from Ken Nabi, Regional President

John 17:22 “The glory that you have given to me, I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one.”

Recently, 25 Great Lakes pastors and leaders gathered in Orlando for the Unleash Conference to be challenged, encouraged, and provoked to have God sized dreams in our respective ministries. It was so good to be with like minded leaders from across the United States and to reconnect with brothers and sisters in Christ. Warm weather in February was a bonus!

Jesus prayed for our unity and He set a pretty high bar centered around His glory. In Jesus’ high priestly prayer, he said that He has given us His glory and this unifying glory brings about oneness in the Kingdom. I have been pondering what does it mean exactly that Jesus gave us His “glory”? When a person is in Christ, their soul is changed and their orientation in life becomes Father focused. Jesus’ glory must at least mean that His followers have the Imago Dei being restored so that our standing before God is seen as perfect in Christ. This is justification. But unity demands that this glory has a horizontal consequence as well. When Jesus imputes His righteousness into our souls it changes the way we orient to others as well. Said another way, Jesus righteousness changes the way we relate to other believers. We become one in Christ. And the very next verse (John 17:23) heralds that this actually has an evangelistic consequence: “…so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.”

In Converge, we say “better together” and this is what we mean. As we partner in a Kingdom honoring way, Jesus draws us together and gives supernatural evidence of transformation.

If you are a Converge Great Lakes staff or pastor, please don’t go it alone. You were designed for ministry partnerships and togetherness. We need each other and the gospel is proclaimed in our unity. Won’t you engage with your LEAD Team or get together with another CGL pastor to pray and collaborate? Christ is honored in our oneness.

Church Planting

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

Casey Schifelbine, Church Planter and Lead Pastor, Hub Life Church

Hub Life Church in Marshfield, WI recently celebrated 3 years. Join us in celebrating their anniversary and read what Pastor Casey has to share.

God’s work happens in his timing not mine. There is no small, insignificant work in God’s eyes. When you start a church there is a dream from God in your heart. However, there is no promise that everything is going to explode, tons of people are going to get saved and you are going to impact your city, town, community so that everyone turns to Jesus.

The most important lesson that I have learned is, Jesus said, “I will build my church…. God builds His church. Even one launched 6 months before a global pandemic. You can have all the amazing plans and strategies in the world to what you are going to do but God’s grace sustains a church, not you. People would say to me and ask me, “wow, I can’t believe you are still going after a pandemic, what did you do?" I believe, “God started Hub Life Church. He is building it, and he will bring it to completion. We will continue to follow Him as the head of the church." This means that we continue to take steps of faith even when we can feel fear.

I have hope for Hub Life Church not because of finances, programs, buildings, but because Christ is still on mission to seek and save people who are far away from God. I continue to see signs in our young church of people being gripped in the heart with a renewed energy to be on mission in and through Christ. We recently started a community meal once a month called, “Hub Life Nights.” This is a part of our vision to reach the least of these in our community.

I was recently asked, what was your experience with CP 101? I would tell you I could not have started Hub Life Church without it. Even better said, “I would not attempt to start a church without it.” There is a saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know.” Going to the training helps you to know what you do not know to fulfill what God has called you to do!

Church Strengthening

Ministry Leaders Retreat

Gary Harrison, Executive Director of Church Strengthening

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.”

This is perhaps my favorite verse in all of the Bible, in any translation but especially in the Message.  It’s also the one I understand the least.  I often contrast the words of Jesus with the stresses of the reality of ministry. I throw up my hands and say, ”I just don’t get it!” The unforced rhythms of grace paint such an inviting picture, but what is it and how do I do it?

I don’t know where to find the total answer, but I do know one place to start.  April 21 & 22 (and hopefully the 23!) is the date for our upcoming Ministry Leaders and Spouses (MLS) Retreat.  It will take place at the Hotel Mead Conference Center in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, it’s a place for pastoral couples to get away and practice a bit of “unforced rhythms”.  The MLS is a time for not only senior pastors but also their staff pastors to hit pause, take a break and reconnect with God and your spouse. The schedule is intentionally left very open so that you can be refreshed, not workshopped to death. 

This year we welcome Jerry and Dee Sheveland as our speakers, and you are in for a treat.  Jerry is the past president of Converge National, but more importantly has pastored churches from 80 to 2000. He gets ministry and its stresses and has seen ministry play out around the world.  Dee is a licensed therapist and can give off key insights into what may keep us from those unforced rhythms. Watch your email for registration information, but here is the basic information: 

  • Location – Hotel Mead and Conference Center, 451 E. Grand Ave, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 

  • Time – April 21-22, from 3 pm till 3pm (Friday/Saturday) 

  • Cost- $125 

  • Food – more than you can imagine! 

Online registration will be coming to an email box near you – watch for it.  We have room for 30 couples, so don’t wait too long! 

And that extra day?  We know just an overnight is hardly enough, so we would love to see you stay Saturday night.  We’ll be sending a letter to each church asking they give you that Sunday off to simply reconnect, and if you need of the CGL staff to talk to your board, we’ll be happy to do it. 

Questions?  Give us a call, and let’s discover those unforced rhythms together. 

Global Missions

Meet Keynote Speaker, Ivan Veldhuizen

Ivan Veldhuizen has served as the Senior Vice President of International Ministries since 2012. With missionaries and ministry partnerships worldwide, Ivan’s goal is to create a global-minded culture within Converge’s 1400+ churches. He is working toward mobilizing churches to see least reached and unreached people groups around the world come to Christ so generations alive today will see the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Ivan also served in the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association for five years (1991-1996) as a field associate, bringing Dr. Graham’s vision for evangelism to 24 countries worldwide. Ivan earned a Master of Divinity from Bethel Seminary and was a Converge pastor for 25 years. His churches have demonstrated significant progress in spiritual health, community impact, and world missions.

Ivan and his wife Susan have three grown children and five grandchildren. They live in Orlando, Florida.

Come hear Ivan on Saturday, March 11th at Summit for the Nations by registering below today!

CGL News

Getaway Opportunity

Looking for a fun winter getaway? Did you know that Converge Great Lakes has a cabin available for rent at Lake Ellen Bible Camp? Lake Ellen Bible Camp is in the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan, near Crystal Falls. There are a lot of fun outdoor activities such as sledding, snow shoeing, cross country skiing and more! Not the outdoors type? Snuggle in the cabin for board games, reading, watching movies and other fun activities.

The cabin can sleep six comfortably in the two bedrooms. It also has a full bathroom and a fully stocked kitchen and laundry. The cost is extremely reasonable:

Weekend (Friday to Sunday): $100

Week (Friday to Thursday): $250

Please contact Sarah Motiff at smotiff@convergegreatlakes.org to get more details and schedule your getaway today!

Foundations 2022

If you missed the Foundations Conference last year, we would encourage you to listen to these main session talks to get challenged and focused about ministry expansion.

Session One with Ken Nabi HERE

Session Two with Andy Addis HERE

Financial Summary

Here is a quick snapshot of CGL's financial status as of December 2022:

  • Giving year to date: $342,769

  • Expenses year to date: $251,151

  • Variance year to date: $91,618

Upcoming Events

Summit for the Nations

De Pere, WI | Journey Community Church

March 11, 2023

A half-day experience to help your church strategically reach the nations—near and far.

Register Here

Refresh Retreat: Ministry Leaders and Spouses

Wisconsin Rapids, WI | Hotel Mead

April 21-22, 2023

Join us as we gather for an unforgettable weekend at the Hotel Mead and hear from Dr. Jerry and Dee Sheveland.

Register Here


4 Questions to Ask About Your Team Leadership


January 2023